The skill India Mission is one of the flagship projects of Government of India launched under the inspirational leadership of Hon 'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to create convergence across sectors and states for youth empowerment. As part of the mission, National Skill Council NSC(I) , has been set up at Kolkata, West Bengal in association various skill council to provide skill development to needy and unemployed youth. Objective of, National Skill Council NSC(I) is empowering unemployed and under privileged youth with right skill for Employability and Entrepreneurship. It is assisting in placements and career progression, as well as encouraging start-ups besides providing industry interface for identifying and promoting the right skill sets appropriate to industry.
To promote academic growth by offering state of the art Certificate/ Diploma and vocational skill programs.
Identify areas of specialization, based on an informed perception of global job market need, upon which the Council can focus.
To develop human potential to its fullest so that rationally capable and skillful professional can emerge for a range of professions.
Our endeavour is to impart knowledge and develop critical skill necessary to succeed both in professional and personal life by promoting learning support by world-class Academic inputs, infrastructure, technician. curricula and collaborative teaching Methodology and research with premier council in India and abroad. Our mission is to empower each sectioin of society through education and produce socially committed professionals.
To work in the lines of Govt. of India's Skill India Mission objective; contributing towards reducing Demand vs Supply gap of skill manpowering youh of mIndia wih internationally accepted job specific skill sets. To become an internationally acclaimed institution that would serve as a landscape of skill up-gradation with patriotic prospective. To address the challenge of imparting the skills required by growing global economy. To be internally recognized as a premier Council of excellence providing quality education. Training research and consultancy services to the global society. Our vision is to build professionally superior and ethical professionals and to empower the world with a commendable work force adept at meeting the challenges of the 21st century.